
Virtual Visits To Telehealth

Telehealth And Telephonic Solutions For Medicare, Medicaid And Dual Population.


Focus Care provides a full spectrum of remote platform solutions for Telehealth needs for health plans across the country. Focus Care telehealth are supported by 11,000 nationwide provider network all committed to increasing quality of care and improving member engagement.

  • Remote member monitoring and chronic disease manage ment solutions reducing preventable readmissions and helps members monitor their health.
  • We can provide care anywhere in the country using our trained clinical staff and broad network of physicians and providers.
  • Reliably delivers consistent clinical user experiences, seam lessly integrates into your technology and workflows, and keeps you connected and compliant.
  • We can remote into your members home computer and add the application right on the spot for them to use our telehealth platform or assist in downloading the app on any smartphone. No hassle for the member.

Call Center

Focus Care has a 24/7 HIPAA compliant, fully staffed call center that services health plans and providers across the country. Our dedicated and caring customer service representatives are fully trained in motivational interviewing to navigate the member through their health plan.

Our fully staffed call center Encompasses:

  • Complete Telephonic Health Needs Assessments and Surveys
  • Member Check In
  • Member Engagement Programs for Medicare, Medicaid and Dual Population
  • Schedule providers for in-home visits

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